June 27, 2023


Constructor: Nate Cardin

Editor: Amanda Rafkin

Theme Answers:
DOWN TO EARTH (17A: Practical and unpretentious)
UP TO SPEED (50A: Informed of the latest news)
LEFT TO CHANCE (15D: Didn't prepare for)
RIGHT TO VOTE (20D: Fundamental tenet of democracy)

Theme synopsis: Each theme answer contains a direction word: DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT. The theme answers appear in the grid in locations opposite of the direction words they contain. For example, LEFT TO CHANCE appears on the RIGHT side of the grid, while RIGHT TO VOTE appears on the LEFT side of the grid.

Random thoughts and interesting things:
  • APP (16A: Scruff or Bumble, e.g.) Scruff and Bumble are social APPs designed to help users meet people (also known as dating APPs). Scruff is an APP for gay men. A unique feature of Bumble is that in heterosexual matches, only the female can make initial contact. (Side note: I'm looking forward to the targeted ads I receive after looking up information on both of these APPs!)
  • LEGO (38A: Toy bought and sold on BrickLink) BrickLink, with a tagline of "Unofficial LEGO Marketplace," was started in 2000 by Daniel Jezek, a self-described "adult fan of LEGO (AFOL). Since that time, the site has evolved into a community for buying and selling LEGO bricks, as well as a place for AFOL to connect and share their LEGO creations. In 2019, BrickLink was acquired by the LEGO Group.  
  • CELIA (39A: "Queen of Salsa" Cruz) It was just two days ago that we saw the clue [Performance set to a CELIA Cruz song, perhaps] for SALSA DANCE.
  • THROAT (42A: Vocal cords' location) The vocal cords are located in your THROAT, and are part of the larynx, also called the voice box. The vocal cords are bands of smooth muscle tissue that open when you inhale to allow air to pass into the lungs. When you speak, the vocal cords close, and the vibrations of the muscle tissue produce the sound of your voice.
  • ESPORTS (43A: Competitive video gaming) The first-ever Olympic ESPORTS Week was held June 22-25 of this year in Singapore. You can read about it here
  • CAPER (2D: Salty morsel on a bagel with lox) and PEA (8D: Wasabi ___ (spicy, crunchy morsel)) The repetition of the word "morsel" in these two clues is an example of a detail that adds extra flavor (pun intended) to a puzzle. I enjoy the experience of a sense of familiarity when encountering the second clue. I also enjoy CAPERs and wasabi PEAs.
  • TOMATO (18D: Bruschetta ingredient) Bruschetta is grilled bread rubbed with garlic, brushed with olive oil, and often served topped with chopped TOMATO. This reminds me that TOMATO season is just around the corner; there's nothing quite like the taste of a farm-fresh TOMATO.
  • POGO (28D: ___ stick (toy for bouncing)) A couple of years ago (while writing a clue for POGO in a puzzle I was constructing), I learned about extreme POGO. Now that's what I think of anytime POGO sticks are mentioned. I am not a coordinated person (my family frowns on my use of ladders...), so I don't think extreme POGO is in my future. It's fun to watch though. 
  • TAO (42D: Concept in Chinese philosophy) TAOists follow a philosophical and spiritual tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the natural order of the universe, a principal referred to as "TAO" or "the way."
  • TALL (52D: Small size at Starbucks) The use of the word TALL for the small size has always amused me, and today it's a fun bonus answer for this puzzle.

Geography review:

  • ETNA (56D: Volcano in the backdrop of season two of "The White Lotus") The White Lotus is a TV series about a fictional resort chain called the White Lotus. The show, which premiered in 2021, is an anthology series, one that presents a different story or may have a different cast or be set in a different location each season. The first season of The White Lotus was set in Hawaii. The second season of The White Lotus took place on the Italian island of Sicily, the largest and most populous island in the Mediterranean Sea. Sicily is home to Mount ETNA, the tallest active volcano in Europe.
This puzzle's theme simultaneously brings me great joy and hurts my brain! Why is the DOWN UP in the grid? Why is the RIGHT on the LEFT?! My need for order feels threatened, but in the best way. It's a nice PAYOFF (21A: Satisfying conclusion). Thank you, Nate, for this puzzle that was a delightful way to start my Tuesday.
One more thing: If you are interested in solving another crossword, I constructed today's Lil AVC X puzzle titled "Genome Project."  If you're not an AVCX subscriber, you may purchase the puzzle for a dollar. This puzzle is one of my favorites; constructing it delighted both the word nerd and the science geek parts of me.
