February 24, 2023


Constructor: Erik Agard

Editor: Erik Agard

Theme Answers:
COMMENCE (22D: Start)
ENYA (27A: One-named "Only Time" singer)
DENT (29A: Bumper flaw)
SVEN (33A: Name that's a number missing a letter)
SCENIC (40A: Take the ___ route)
PEN (44A: Ballpoint, for example)
IRS AGENT (47A: Person whose job is taxing)
PAY RENT (50A: What tenants do once a month)
END (52A: Finish)

Alternate route:
LAMENTS (10D: Expresses sorrow)
MEN (23D: Boyz II ___)
ENIGMATIC (30D: Cryptic)
EMBOLDEN (8D: Make brave)
VENT (34D: Express frustration)
DESCENT (26D: Downward journey)
SPEND (40D: Shell out)
GENIAL (48D: Easy to get along with)

Theme synopsis: Beginning with the word COMMENCE, the letters EN travel a ROUTE down the grid to the word END. This ROUTE can be followed in the across or down answers. 

Things I learned:
  • VESEY (51D: Denmark ___, 19th century freedom fighter) Denmark VESEY (1767-1822) was born in St. Thomas, and brought to Charleston, South Carolina as an enslaved person. He saved his money and purchased his freedom for $600. Denmark VESEY continued to work for the freedom of others, even after he himself was free. I encourage you to read this NPR article that tells Denmark VESEY's story. One line that struck me is a quote from Dr. Tonya Matthews, "The truth of the matter is that what a failed uprising really meant is that those who stopped the uprising would get to tell the story." An important reminder that the stories we are told are determined by who controls the narrative.
  • EMO (58D: Midwest ___ (music genre)) Midwest EMO, as the name implies, is a regional subgenre of EMO music. Midwest EMO developed in the 1990s and featured cycling guitar parts, and unconventional singing.
Random thoughts and interesting things:
  • CUBE (18A: Erno Rubik's best-known invention) This is one of those clues that one could easily read quickly and think, "I don't know Ernö Rubik!" And then something clicks and one says, "Oh, wait...Rubik's CUBE." It could happen like that. In addition to inventing the Rubik's CUBE, Ernö Rubik, who was born in Budapest, Hungary, has been involved in promoting science education.
  • ENYA (27A: One-named "Only Time" singer) "Only Time" is a 2000 song by ENYA. I welcome an excuse to link to an ENYA song.
  • SCENIC (40A: Take the ___ route) "We're taking the SCENIC ROUTE," is a common phrase in our family when we take a wrong turn, or have to take a detour. It's such a perfect clue for today's theme, and nicely placed in the middle of the ROUTE and the center of the grid.
  • DESCENT (26D: Downward journey) It's fun to note that the EN ROUTE works in both the across and down answers in the grid. Having the word DESCENT as part of the downward ROUTE is an especially nice touch.

    Geography review:

    • ARISE (17A: "___, O Compatriots" (national anthem of Nigeria)) Located in West Africa, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Nigeria's anthem, "ARISE, O Compatriots" was adopted in 1978.
    • OMAHA (62A: Nebraska's largest city) Nebraska's largest city, OMAHA, is located on the Nebraska-Iowa border. It sits across the Missouri River from Council Bluffs, Iowa.
    • MECCA (12D: Hajj destination) MECCA is a city in Saudi Arabia. It is the birthplace of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, and is considered to be the holiest city in Islam. Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to MECCA. As noted earlier this month, under Saudi law, non-Muslims are not permitted to enter MECCA.
    Today was one of those days when I began to get anxious while solving the puzzle. I couldn't tell which answers were the theme answers, and I had no idea what the theme might be. As I came close to finishing the solve, my mind leapt to the ways I reach out to other solvers when I find myself in this position. Should I post this on Twitter or in the crossword Discord? Then I finished the puzzle, took a deep breath, and took another look. Still nothing. Okay, look again. The word COMMENCE had stood out to me while solving as being appropriate for an EN ROUTE theme...oh, wait. Then I saw it...the EN ROUTE (that I've attempted to highlight on the grid above). A beautiful "Aha!" moment. I might have even uttered, "That's amazing!" Thank you, Erik, for this puzzle that was a fantastic way to start my Friday.
    One more thing today: If you're in the mood to solve another puzzle, I co-constructed today's L.A. Times puzzle with Wendy Brandes. 
